The Society for the History of Lorraine and the Lorraine Museum

Founded in 1848, the Société d'histoire de la Lorraine is a recognised non-profit organisation, and is behind the creation of the Musée lorrain. Heir to the Société d'archéologie lorraine, it became the Société d'histoire de la Lorraine et du Musée lorrain in 1997.

As the principal owner of the collections of the Musée lorrain, it regularly enriches the collections through purchases and donations.

The Society also owns a heritage library, relocated to the former Cordeliers convent in 2023, which houses almost 30,000 volumes, including several hundred rare and precious books from the 16th to the 20th centuries. This collection bears witness to the generosity and highly informed curiosity of enthusiasts in Lorraine. The rarity of the editions, their state of preservation, the bindings and the provenance give the collection a high bibliophilic quality, in addition to its documentary interest.

The Society organises an annual lecture series and publishes the quarterly magazine Le Pays Lorrain.

It is involved in the major renovation of the museum undertaken by the City of Nancy, in collaboration with the State, the Région Grand Est and the Département of Meurthe-et-Moselle.

For more information and access to the thousands of documents held in the library: